gnews khabar Dalip Singh eventually travelled from Himachal to Punjab in search of work, and it was then that the Punjab Police spotted him due to his tall stature, and it was thanks to them that the legend began his wrestling career. In 1995 and 1996, when he was just Dalip, the former wrestler was also awarded the renowned Mister India title.
Dr. Bryan Donohue, a UPMC cardiologist and WWE's cardiovascular consultant since 2008, claimed WWE has never put economic interests ahead of the health of its wrestlers in his experience, and that many WWE executives are former wrestlers.
"The narrative is obvious: WWE's interests are diametrically opposed to those of the talent," Donohue said, "but I've found that they've been really responsive to things I've asked them to do." "On any issue, I've never had any opposition."
Rana's daily workout consists of two hours of weight training in the morning and evening, but his diet remains a mystery, as some interviews indicate he maintains his size by eating a vegetarian diet, while others claim he eats a lot of chicken. He has underlined, however, that he enjoys vegetarian meals but also eats meat. Rana underwent brain surgery on July 26, 2012, due to a tumor on his pituitary gland, according to reports.
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Finlay has put his personal well-being on hold to keep Hornswoggle from The Great Khali's clutches for the last few weeks. At Armageddon, however, Mr. McMahon's illegitimate son eventually paid him back, assisting the Irishman in slaying the Punjabi behemoth and scoring one of his career's most significant victories. In the weeks preceding up to their Armageddon match, the Belfast brawler tasted Khali's fury on SmackDown, sacrificing himself each time to protect Hornswoggle. Many speculated that the leprechaun was Finlay's weak spot in his deadly in-ring arsenal. Hornswoggle, on the other hand, demonstrated his worth in gold by providing the Irishman with the opening he needed to defeat The Great Khali at Armageddon. Finlay's pint-sized accomplice entered the ring with referee Charles Robinson's back turned and delivered a low blow with the shillelagh, allowing the Irishman to nail Khali's skull with the club and seal the victory.